What is the nature of Seed?
The nature of Seed is as follows:
Seed has divisibility and it can be divided into things called the parts of Seed.
- What are the parts of Seed?
Seed has the equivalents of those which the others have, that is, it has comparability.
- What is comparable to Seed?
Seed has connectivity and it can be connected to those from which it can be separated.
- What is connected by Seed?
Seed has sensitivity and it is sensitive to things which can affect (influence) it.
- What can affect Seed?
Seed has transformability and it can be transformed (reordered) from one form to its other forms.
- What are the forms of Seed?
Seed has substitutability and it can be substituted by the things which qualify to substitute it.
- What can substitute for Seed?
Seed has satisfiability and it can satisfy those which require it.
- What is in need of Seed?
See also the nature of:[]
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