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People/things are satisfied because they have satisfiability.

Satisfiability is not a thing, but it is a property of things. People/things are satisfied because they have satisfiability. Anything which does not have satisfiability cannot be satisfied.

Terms of reference

  • Satisfiable: satiable: capable of being sated; possible to satisfy or sate; Able to be satisfied
  • Satisfy: fulfil the requirements or expectations of; fill or meet a want or need
  • Need: anything that is necessary but lacking; a condition requiring relief; a state of extreme poverty or destitution; the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior; have or feel a need for; have need of; require as useful, just, or proper
  • Requirement: required activity; something that is required in advance; anything indispensable
  • Demand: required activity; a condition requiring relief; request urgently and forcefully; claim as due or just; require as useful, just, or proper; the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
  • Want: anything that is necessary but lacking; a state of extreme poverty; a specific feeling of desire; the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; be without, lack; be deficient in; wish or demand the presence of; have need of; hunt or look for; want for a particular reason; feel or have a desire for; want strongly
  • Desire: an inclination to want things; the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state; something that is desired; feel or have a desire for; want strongly; express a desire for; expect and wish
  • Wish: an expression of some desire or inclination; a specific feeling of desire; a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare; hope for; have a wish; have in mind
  • Fulfill: fulfil the requirements or expectations of; fill or meet a want or need
  • Fulfillment: a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires; the act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc)
  • Success: an attainment that is successful; an event that accomplishes its intended purpose;
  • Perfect: action that has been completed; make perfect or complete; being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; precisely accurate or exact
  • Error free: Pefect, as expected, as required, as intended, precise
  • Imperfect: has errors, has requirements, has defects.
  • Error: the difference between what is expected and what is observed. Error = (expected value - observed value); error free = perfect, Beautiful = error
  • Failure: an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; lack of success
  • Achievement: the action of accomplishing something
  • Attainment: the act of achieving an aim
  • Complete: has no requirements

See also

